LOST ....2.10.2010

he's back to us...i hope WE can struggle until the last breathe...
we 're behind u ....
we'll always love u ...forever ...

this will be the most tension day that i had....
i lost my way T_T
i admit that i m NOOB at recongnizing the way...
i was acoompanying my elder sis to buy present for her bf...
we went to 1-U...and pissed me off...
luckily i got my friend here ...who knows the area well...
i have been to taylor's lake side due to i drive to the wrong path....
its a nice campus and such a desirable college ><
AFTER i get out that area....still i'm LOST...
i juz know nothing abt Sunway Quay ==lll
finally i get back home after an hour....thanks God....wuhuuu~~

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entire family

entire family

our mem0ry @ 18.6.2010

our mem0ry @ 18.6.2010